Studio Policies & Formalities
Privacy & Discretion
Slick & Manscape is a private studio. Meaning, your appointment time is yours alone and there is no awkward waiting room staring or glances. I know you really want to get the hair off your body, but please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes to your scheduled time.
Your Licensed Esthetician adheres to HIPPA standards of privacy, security and ethics. Your information will never be sold or shared.
Parking & Location
Roosevelt Way NE is a one way street heading Southbound. The studio is located just before the intersection of Ravenna Blvd and Roosevelt, in the four story building on the Right side of the street. You will see Die Bierstube and Community Fitness on the left and Fix Salon on the right; Slick & Manscape Waxing Studio is just inside the courtyard on the left.
There is street parking available. It is one hour free parking on Roosevelt and three hour free parking on Ravenna. There is a bike rack in front at the courtyard entrance as well. Please do not park in the back of the building as this is for residents and you can be towed without notice and your cost.
No Text Messages Accepted for Scheduling or New Client Questions
Due to the ridiculous amount of spam messages over the years, there is a filter on unknown numbers to the studio phone. Please do not text for appointments or questions, they are not accepted. Phone calls are accepted for scheduling or you can book online here.
by booking an appointment, you are agreeing to the policies and formalities held by the studio
A Credit Card is required to book/request an appointment
A valid credit card is required to book/reserve/request any appointment. Your card will not be charged unless you fail to abide by the cancellation policies outlined below.
The Studio understands that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life.
In the desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:
The Studio is run by a Licensed Esthetician and she adheres to professional standards of conduct for herself and expects the same standard from clients.
Your Esthetician reserves the right to refuse service at anytime for any reason. She is extremely committed to a safe, clean, friendly and professional environment for all her clients and herself. Unsafe actions, words or behaviors will result in an immediately terminated appointment and potential of notification to authorities and legal prosecution.
Cancellation Policy
When cancelling an appointment, 24 hours is required. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If the studio can get your appointment time filled, there will be no cancellation fee charged.
If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice, and the time cannot get filled, you will be charged the half (50%) of the amount of the service(s) you had booked.
This amount will be applied to the credit card you supplied when booking your appointment.
I'm gonna be late, is that okay?
Well it depends.. More than ten minutes will likely result in needing to have your appointment rescheduled. Please call the studio as soon as you may know you'll be late in order to allow the studio the best ability to accommodate any needed changes.
I'm just not gonna show up, is that cool?
No, that's not cool. If your appointment has been confirmed and you decide to not show up without any notice, you will be charged in full (100%) for the service(s) you have booked.
Also, not showing up for your scheduled appointment time will result in the studio being disinclined to invite for you to return.
I'm currently experiencing symptoms of a cold, flu, the 'Rona or some other highly contagious thing..
can I still come in?
What? NO. Please stay home and call or email to let the Studio know you are unable to make your appointment. This also goes for "it's okay, I just got over" whatever had you not feeling well. You are still contagious if you are coughing/sneezing or congested. Stay home, watch Netflix, eat soup from a bread bowl and then come in when you're recovered.
I want to just come in whenever.. can I do that?
No. Services are by appointment only. Sometimes there is greater flexibility and sometimes not, so don't be disappointed, reserve your time here.
I'm a new client and I reserved an appointment, but I don't answer my phone, don't have my voice mailbox set up, it's full and not accepting new messages, don't respond to emails and basically avoid any way for the Studio to verify and confirm my appointment.. Can I still just expect to show up?
The Studio is committed to the health and safety for both clients and the Esthetician. With health and safety in mind, it is a firm policy that all new clients are contacted and screened by phone before an appointment is confirmed. This to verify there are no health contraindications ( i.e. some medications make it impossible to wax), that all wax related questions are answered and that office policies are conveyed.
If this requirement cannot be met the appointment is declined, reserved time is cancelled and you will no longer be able to book any service in the future.